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  • SFE Services

Is there a limit to how long you may breath smoke before you die?

You would choke and suffer from smoke inhalation if you were standing in the smoke from a bonfire or BBQ and couldn't get away from it. However, because of the gases generated by other burning objects, smoke from a building fire is more dangerous. You are not obtaining enough oxygen to live once you start inhaling the smoke.

It may take 2 to 10 minutes to pass out or die, depending on the intensity and heat of the smoke. You would have more time if there was more oxygen in the room (but not much). Because fire consumes oxygen, as the fire burns, more oxygen is taken from the room. Smoke accumulates too much carbon monoxide in the lungs, preventing oxygen from entering and carbon dioxide from exiting the body. It usually causes you to pass out before you die, and it can also result in brain damage. In humans, 15 minutes of pure smoke (0 percent oxygen) would kill you, while 5-10 minutes would result in lifelong brain damage.

Determine that your organization has enough smoke extraction and fire safety in place to assist staff and customers in escaping smoke in the event of a fire. Contact SFE Services for a free assessment.


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