What are rooftop turbines and how do they work?
Turbine vents have a basic dome-like shape and design, a profile that is comprised of blades wrapped vertically around the dome. These are eco-friendly ventilation systems that have little maintenance costs and absolutely no operating costs due to natural convection and the pure power of wind.
This allows for comfortable conditions in building areas as well as the removal of odours, air pollutants and other toxins from any industrial and commercial environments. While also regulating the temperature of roof spaces.
Here is how it works;
This compact installation moves a lot of air around without any use of electricity, making it a natural ventilation system.
When hot air rises, the rotating wind-powered vents propel the air outside. This vacuum action immediately draws fresh air back in, and because of the colder temperature of the fresh air, it sinks down into the building again. This process then repeats itself as hot air continues to rise and is then drawn out through the vent. This is the combination of convection and wind-power used to extract stale air and replace it with cooler fresh air from outside.
This rooftop turbine extraction method draws smoke, heat and other chemicals from buildings. While also helping remove humid air from more specific types of structures that have the potential to collect damp and moisture-laden air in the roof, like public bathrooms or restaurant kitchens.
The benefits:
o Economical ventilation system
o Easy installation
o low maintenance
o supports integrity of the building structure
o eco-friendly clean system
o natural venting system – no electricity required
o comes in different sizes & materials to fit on a variety of different building structures
o operational 24/7
These rooftop turbine vents can be fitted to a wide range of different building structures. Largely because of the easy installation of this specific natural vent system. The applications range from homes to industrial buildings.
This vent system also supports the integrity of the building structure and its materials (wooden beams, ceiling boards, roofing tiles ect.) due to the extraction of damp and condensed air. And of course, by removing dust, smoke, fumes and other chemicals from buildings, this simple and easy system creates a more productive and healthier environment in variety of different industries.
Need to know more? SFE Services are ready to assist with a free survey of your building. Contact them on 011 730 8243/4 - or After Hours 064 542 6772.