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SFE Services

SFE Services and Smoke Ventilation

A well-designed Smoke and Heat Exhaust Ventilation System – SHEVS – should be able to maintain a smoke-free clear layer of at least 2,5m above the highest occupied space, allowing for safe evacuation with little danger of smoke inhalation, injury, or death.

SFE Services (Pty) Ltd has more than 40 years in combined experience to improve existing products and procedures, continually seek creative solutions to smoke control problems.

SFE Services' smoke and heat exhaust ventilation products are rigorously tested to ensure that they meet the current South African Building Standards SANS 10400-T standards.

In accordance with Part 2 of the EN 12101 standards, natural smoke and heat exhaust ventilation systems are designed to extract smoke from the inside of a building using automatically operable roof-mounted ventilators.

To improve ventilation, SFE Services also installs powered smoke and heat exhaust systems. These systems not only verify that fans and cabling conform with the relevant section of the EN 12101 regulation, but also that the company's research and development goals are current with international trends.

Contact SFE Services on: 011 730 8243/4 - After Hours 064 542 6772 EMAIL US

For further assistance.


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